Corona Virus / Covid 19 update for EMA

We just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about the coronavirus/Covid19 in relation to EMA. To date there are no cases in Exeter but we are putting extra measures in place to keep everyone safe. As you know we wash the mats several times and week. In light of the current Coronavirus we will be increasing this and also ensuring that we treat all contact points ie doors, light switches, desks are wiped daily with disinfectant, etc.


In an effort to improve hygiene and reduce the possibility of transmission within our academy, we ask that members wash hands thoroughly upon arrival at the gym, as well as continuing to practise good hygiene as normal (shower before and after training, clean kit after every use, don't share personal kit, gum-shields must be in your mouth or in a case in your bag... gum-shields left lying around will be binned immediately).


We encourage everyone to have their own kit re gloves and pads. If you want to buy some feel free to ask at the desk or here is a link to our online shop


As always please do not come to the gym/ bring your child to training if there is any suspicion of illness within your household, including;

Generally feeling unwell


High temperature

Coughing or sore throat

Shortness of breath


Please do not come to training/ bring your child to training if you have recently returned from travelling to any of the areas currently known to be affected by outbreaks of Covid-19/ Coronavirus. Contact your healthcare provider for more information. Any persons who come to the gym showing any symptom of illness (however mild) will be asked to leave. Please help us to avoid this embarrassing situation by heeding the advice given above.


The risk to the general population remains low and we do not wish to cause alarm among you, but equally we wish to reassure you we are treating this outbreak seriously and doing what we can to minimise risk to yourselves, our valued instructors, our families and the wider community.


Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions, and please report to us any instances of suspected Covid-19/ Coronavirus and checkout the NHS website for their updates etc


01392 663000

Exeter Martial Arts